
The Wisecrackers Cartel


Mike Peterson

An Open Letter to The Sons of Mrs. Hall

This letter is in reaction to this now viral letter. To the Teenage Halls, Please don’t listen to your mom. I’m sure she’s great and only trying to look out for you, but she is crippling you if her letter... Continue Reading →

Zimmerman is Not the Devil, and Conviction is Not Justice

Let me start by outlining the way I feel the events leading to Trayvon Martin’s death happened. There are other explanations, but this seems most likely in my mind, and it certainly was not adequately disproved in trial:George Zimmerman sees... Continue Reading →

Pro-Choice Christianity

Recently, the Texas state legislature has made a lot of news as they debate a new abortion bill that would pass some of the nation’s most restrictive regulations on clinics providing abortions. Senator Wendy Davis has gotten attention for her... Continue Reading →

Why God is Queer

At the Twin Cities Pride festival this year, there were, as can be expected, a few Christian protesters, condemning those that they saw as "Sodomites" or other variations of damned, diseased souls. They were certainly not a majority of the... Continue Reading →

A Recap of the News of the Last Couple Days

Whew, it's been a crazy week thus far in the news, but it seems today marks a relative wind-down for a little while. This is then a perfect time to catch up on the awesome, tragic and dramatic news that... Continue Reading →

I Did Not Think I Would Ever Blog About Interracial Marriage

So let's talk about when the internet gets a little dumb. As you may have seen in recent days, Cheerios put out a fairly standard ad touting its heart benefits. Where this gets dumb, however, is in the uproar this... Continue Reading →

So the House Passed the Marriage Bill, Now What?

So, as many of you know, as of just a few minutes ago, the Minnesota state house has passed a bill that would open marriage to gay couples as well as straight couples. Considering that just a few short months... Continue Reading →

No Time for Proper Introductions

College life is ridiculous.Hi all! Mike Peterson here, and I'm supposedly a contributor to this blog. Unfortunately, being a religion major with finals setting in, that has meant that my life has been little more than writing my own papers,... Continue Reading →

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