
The Wisecrackers Cartel



The Most Enjoyable Show I Have Watched So Far

Stargate Universe is the show that I have received the greatest reward from watching. After watching the three part pilot episode, this show got me to delve into the rest of the Stargate shows to explore more of this world. Not... Continue Reading →

Breaking Bad: Supreme Serialization

Come on a journey with me kiddos. Or rather, come and join me on Vince Gilligan's journey. On his journey, there is plenty of blood, violence, intrigue, and a dash of television brilliance. Breaking Bad is the most fascinating show... Continue Reading →

A Golden Age

Compatriots, we live in the golden age of television. Last decade was one one rife with high quality television programs. The current one promises to be the case. Many people agree that this golden age of TV was heralded in... Continue Reading →

Some things are more than they seem

"To boldly go where no man has gone before." And it sure did. For those of you who do not recognize this legendary case of split infinitive it comes from the television show Star Trek, one of the most culturally... Continue Reading →

Why You Should Watch Happy Endings

Simply put it is the best comedy currently on the air. The only reason it is not the best show period is because... Game of Thrones... 'nuff said. Happy Endings though has a fantastic cast, and with that cast, they... Continue Reading →

A Treatise on the Longevity of a TV Show

Nothing is forever. Except, as James Bond taught us, diamonds. Apologies for all for the lack of posts recently. You know how it is- stuff, and other stuff sometimes. TV shows are kind of like children. They start out fresh... Continue Reading →

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