
The Wisecrackers Cartel



How things are made matters

I recently watched the Joss Whedon film Much Ado About Nothing and I enjoyed it. But this is not a review of the quality of the film. It is an exploration of the phenomena that I experienced after watching the... Continue Reading →

A Golden Age

Compatriots, we live in the golden age of television. Last decade was one one rife with high quality television programs. The current one promises to be the case. Many people agree that this golden age of TV was heralded in... Continue Reading →

Youtube and the Rise of ‘New Media’

I recently delved deep into the abyss that is Youtube. While in this gloriously filthy, disturbingly intriguing, fantastically strange realm of the world wide web, I discovered quite a few interesting facts about the age that we live in. Youtube recently... Continue Reading →

Some things are more than they seem

"To boldly go where no man has gone before." And it sure did. For those of you who do not recognize this legendary case of split infinitive it comes from the television show Star Trek, one of the most culturally... Continue Reading →

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